all postcodes in L33 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L33 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L33 1TF 10 0 53.494922 -2.874344
L33 1TG 22 0 53.495609 -2.875985
L33 1TH 8 0 53.493555 -2.886646
L33 1TJ 12 0 53.492634 -2.88839
L33 1TN 17 0 53.493137 -2.879975
L33 1TP 17 0 53.494009 -2.880023
L33 1TR 8 0 53.494223 -2.881081
L33 1TS 6 0 53.494666 -2.879856
L33 1TT 9 0 53.492951 -2.880815
L33 1TW 25 0 53.493582 -2.880632
L33 1TX 5 0 53.493665 -2.881478
L33 1TZ 5 0 53.495294 -2.882204
L33 1UA 6 0 53.494475 -2.88139
L33 1UE 1 0 53.494776 -2.882074
L33 1UF 6 0 53.495341 -2.88091
L33 1UG 7 0 53.495291 -2.881678
L33 1UH 6 0 53.494532 -2.880999
L33 1UJ 12 0 53.492991 -2.88154
L33 1UL 7 0 53.4952 -2.887826
L33 1UN 17 0 53.495392 -2.888674