all postcodes in L33 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L33 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L33 1UP 21 0 53.495168 -2.88974
L33 1UQ 15 0 53.494797 -2.881259
L33 1UR 10 0 53.495651 -2.888845
L33 1US 17 0 53.494227 -2.889373
L33 1UT 8 0 53.496304 -2.889326
L33 1UU 31 0 53.495561 -2.89014
L33 1UW 16 0 53.494684 -2.888418
L33 1UX 1 1 53.494441 -2.891986
L33 1UY 37 0 53.496367 -2.884413
L33 1WA 25 0 53.49243 -2.888039
L33 1WB 11 0 53.493199 -2.887438
L33 1WD 16 0 53.49279 -2.886856
L33 1WE 10 0 53.49368 -2.88683
L33 1WF 19 0 53.492919 -2.888758
L33 1WU 6 0 53.49366 -2.888276
L33 1WX 10 0 53.499324 -2.891741
L33 1WY 26 0 53.499128 -2.892717
L33 1WZ 32 0 53.500242 -2.892771
L33 1XA 7 5 53.496916 -2.889143
L33 1XD 1 1 53.497192 -2.879848