all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 1QA 1 0 53.4274 -2.822345
L34 1QB 36 0 53.423015 -2.832373
L34 1QD 33 0 53.423289 -2.833055
L34 1QF 8 0 53.425907 -2.826334
L34 1ZZ 1 1 53.435393 -2.803457
L34 1BD 2 53.422883 -2.8265
L34 1BH 5 53.423102 -2.824849
L34 1QG 1 53.424061 -2.80541
L34 1QL 20 53.423355 -2.807533
L34 1QN 2 53.423381 -2.806617
L34 1PB 5 53.423919 -2.806838
L34 1BN 1 53.423965 -2.823798
L34 1QH 0 53.426176 -2.805375
L34 1JZ 1 53.423186 -2.8089
L34 1WD 1 0 53.428643 -2.801854
L34 1AA 1 1 53.422563 -2.803666
L34 2GD 10 0 53.433286 -2.781081
L34 2QA 9 2 53.434185 -2.79189
L34 2QB 33 1 53.434982 -2.786952
L34 2QD 41 0 53.435224 -2.781598