all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 2TH 3 0 53.430412 -2.786055
L34 2TL 29 0 53.433223 -2.791977
L34 2TN 11 0 53.432981 -2.785019
L34 2TP 4 0 53.432672 -2.784215
L34 2TQ 16 2 53.426892 -2.794748
L34 2TS 4 0 53.435746 -2.783879
L34 2TT 3 1 53.432781 -2.788146
L34 2TU 27 0 53.42763 -2.793619
L34 2UG 5 0 53.433565 -2.791863
L34 2UH 16 0 53.428402 -2.796523
L34 2UQ 15 0 53.42842 -2.797833
L34 2GA 0 53.433447 -2.776974
L34 2WX 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 2TW 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 2UN 1 0 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 2AB 29 0 53.426383 -2.794227
L34 3LA 8 4 53.428813 -2.806193
L34 3LD 11 4 53.429822 -2.805866
L34 3LE 3 1 53.429388 -2.807302
L34 3LF 10 0 53.429214 -2.810716