all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 3TB 35 0 53.410637 -2.787134
L35 3TD 42 0 53.410134 -2.787034
L35 3TE 23 0 53.411473 -2.787074
L35 3TF 33 0 53.411016 -2.78684
L35 3TG 25 0 53.412266 -2.786773
L35 3TH 32 0 53.41257 -2.787034
L35 3TJ 3 0 53.41297 -2.808225
L35 3TL 8 0 53.404189 -2.796085
L35 3TN 1 1 53.413277 -2.787604
L35 3TQ 15 0 53.411717 -2.786958
L35 3TR 24 0 53.414354 -2.786812
L35 3TS 14 0 53.413947 -2.788474
L35 3TX 1 1 53.412356 -2.799337
L35 3TT 18 0 53.414348 -2.787669
L35 3TW 39 0 53.413604 -2.78731
L35 3TY 54 0 53.414432 -2.796713
L35 3TZ 5 0 53.414863 -2.795352
L35 3UA 14 0 53.414581 -2.797258
L35 3UB 10 0 53.414846 -2.79657
L35 3UG 36 0 53.413385 -2.79051