all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 3SB 24 0 53.405613 -2.806235
L35 3SD 49 1 53.404851 -2.807214
L35 3SE 9 0 53.40617 -2.802215
L35 3SF 32 0 53.404745 -2.804324
L35 3SG 21 1 53.406912 -2.802845
L35 3SH 34 0 53.4045 -2.807252
L35 3SJ 19 0 53.403451 -2.805623
L35 3SL 52 0 53.404314 -2.80424
L35 3SN 22 0 53.406131 -2.805283
L35 3SP 32 0 53.405286 -2.802679
L35 3SQ 28 0 53.405102 -2.804616
L35 3SR 5 4 53.410056 -2.792102
L35 3SS 11 0 53.405906 -2.785152
L35 3ST 3 1 53.396858 -2.784203
L35 3SU 4 1 53.400042 -2.79112
L35 3SW 28 0 53.406413 -2.804822
L35 3SX 5 3 53.415642 -2.800887
L35 3SY 22 0 53.406823 -2.806755
L35 3SZ 12 0 53.40766 -2.80662
L35 3TA 37 0 53.409183 -2.786791