all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 5DF 0 53.420553 -2.799431
L35 5DG 0 53.418383 -2.799962
L35 5DH 0 53.42133 -2.797549
L35 5DJ 0 53.422361 -2.800608
L35 5DL 0 53.421838 -2.799425
L35 5DN 1 53.420631 -2.80223
L35 5DQ 0 53.420309 -2.798253
L35 5DR 1 53.420469 -2.784954
L35 5DS 1 53.421932 -2.782573
L35 5DT 0 53.41963 -2.803055
L35 5DU 0 53.419741 -2.802515
L35 5DW 3 53.42058 -2.80071
L35 5DX 0 53.419478 -2.801562
L35 5DY 6 53.419449 -2.800463
L35 5DZ 0 53.419808 -2.802005
L35 5EB 0 53.419583 -2.805988
L35 5ED 0 53.41844 -2.808871
L35 5EE 0 53.420955 -2.803742
L35 5EF 0 53.420316 -2.80531
L35 5EG 0 53.419521 -2.807191