all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 5HN 0 53.423921 -2.794377
L35 5HR 12 0 53.423865 -2.796152
L35 5HS 5 0 53.423414 -2.790982
L35 5HW 17 0 53.424237 -2.796897
L35 5JA 60 0 53.424693 -2.794618
L35 5JF 5 1 53.419957 -2.799886
L35 5JG 4 0 53.420105 -2.800174
L35 5GA 0 53.419688 -2.8011
L35 5AE 28 0 53.420128 -2.795796