all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 0NA 6 0 53.411552 -2.768406
L35 0NB 22 0 53.412397 -2.768406
L35 0ND 11 0 53.412698 -2.770533
L35 0NE 24 1 53.414716 -2.770855
L35 0NF 1 0 53.410511 -2.768207
L35 0NG 18 0 53.413572 -2.768819
L35 0NH 16 0 53.413774 -2.766731
L35 0NJ 14 0 53.414042 -2.768436
L35 0NL 17 0 53.415315 -2.768865
L35 0NN 23 0 53.414827 -2.767969
L35 0NP 32 0 53.416463 -2.769337
L35 0NQ 20 0 53.413206 -2.768451
L35 0NR 39 0 53.415651 -2.76839
L35 0NS 28 1 53.414772 -2.761077
L35 0NT 6 0 53.413402 -2.758841
L35 0NU 18 0 53.411467 -2.756445
L35 0NW 22 0 53.414652 -2.768613
L35 0NX 19 0 53.409727 -2.754338
L35 0NY 48 0 53.410826 -2.759623
L35 0NZ 36 0 53.410463 -2.757435