all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 0SA 17 0 53.403038 -2.835502
L36 0SB 15 0 53.401573 -2.833007
L36 0SD 54 2 53.400638 -2.829153
L36 0SE 19 0 53.40201 -2.834775
L36 0SF 1 1 53.394376 -2.832475
L36 0SG 34 0 53.402612 -2.830981
L36 0SH 12 0 53.40237 -2.833368
L36 0SJ 38 0 53.401674 -2.830031
L36 0SL 14 0 53.400894 -2.828526
L36 0SN 37 0 53.401473 -2.827936
L36 0SP 36 0 53.402238 -2.82777
L36 0SQ 19 0 53.401794 -2.830905
L36 0SR 36 0 53.402126 -2.828385
L36 0SS 28 0 53.402611 -2.832305
L36 0ST 22 0 53.402543 -2.831762
L36 0SU 14 0 53.403698 -2.831093
L36 0SW 48 0 53.400926 -2.82782
L36 0SX 30 0 53.402949 -2.832868
L36 0SY 20 0 53.403577 -2.834309
L36 0SZ 30 0 53.403132 -2.834917