all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 5TT 40 0 53.40342 -2.840022
L36 5TU 38 0 53.403838 -2.840647
L36 5TW 19 0 53.404221 -2.842414
L36 5TX 11 0 53.403604 -2.838176
L36 5TY 31 0 53.402533 -2.839599
L36 5TZ 20 0 53.403253 -2.839462
L36 5UA 18 0 53.401515 -2.841233
L36 5UB 20 0 53.402037 -2.841153
L36 5UD 32 0 53.402451 -2.842319
L36 5UE 22 0 53.402806 -2.841695
L36 5UF 16 0 53.402891 -2.841065
L36 5UG 16 0 53.402175 -2.843216
L36 5UH 35 0 53.404788 -2.843569
L36 5UJ 23 0 53.404888 -2.844684
L36 5UL 12 0 53.40511 -2.845125
L36 5UN 31 0 53.402634 -2.844489
L36 5UP 10 0 53.405512 -2.844155
L36 5UQ 29 0 53.4027 -2.843964
L36 5UR 11 0 53.401963 -2.836248
L36 5US 5 0 53.399049 -2.839124