all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 5XU 22 0 53.40227 -2.846347
L36 5XW 7 4 53.406991 -2.847268
L36 5XX 19 0 53.402584 -2.846398
L36 5XY 24 0 53.403367 -2.84885
L36 5XZ 24 0 53.402035 -2.846508
L36 5YA 28 0 53.40364 -2.848344
L36 5YB 1 1 53.408422 -2.847026
L36 5YD 18 0 53.406311 -2.843057
L36 5YF 24 0 53.407736 -2.833458
L36 5YG 11 0 53.405194 -2.839591
L36 5YH 1 1 53.410579 -2.838268
L36 5YJ 22 0 53.401199 -2.837632
L36 5YL 3 0 53.410591 -2.831378
L36 5YN 29 0 53.401619 -2.835354
L36 5YQ 48 0 53.401848 -2.838592
L36 5YR 46 0 53.407382 -2.842883
L36 5YS 20 0 53.407942 -2.842518
L36 5YW 6 0 53.406495 -2.843813
L36 5YX 42 0 53.402802 -2.838401
L36 5YY 27 0 53.403036 -2.837157