all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 6ET 26 0 53.413208 -2.818144
L36 6EU 6 0 53.414053 -2.817844
L36 6EX 9 1 53.413187 -2.819874
L36 6EZ 8 0 53.412841 -2.820529
L36 6GA 2 2 53.410414 -2.840851
L36 6HA 19 0 53.414113 -2.818553
L36 6HB 18 0 53.41368 -2.820079
L36 6HD 17 0 53.41357 -2.820393
L36 6HE 28 0 53.414321 -2.819745
L36 6HL 6 0 53.412701 -2.816103
L36 6HN 42 0 53.414117 -2.817951
L36 6HP 1 1 53.41576 -2.815304
L36 6HR 40 0 53.410893 -2.833099
L36 6HS 32 0 53.410511 -2.832535
L36 6HW 5 0 53.413022 -2.816501
L36 6HY 17 17 53.408084 -2.824453
L36 6JF 13 13 53.403931 -2.813919
L36 6JG 32 27 53.404628 -2.822793
L36 6JQ 1 1 53.407898 -2.826888
L36 6LF 10 0 53.409844 -2.828956