all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 9TS 28 0 53.412243 -2.853285
L36 9TT 31 0 53.412267 -2.853767
L36 9TU 17 0 53.41189 -2.854827
L36 9TW 11 0 53.411125 -2.855038
L36 9TX 6 0 53.411189 -2.849788
L36 9TY 23 0 53.411455 -2.851539
L36 9TZ 29 0 53.411747 -2.851063
L36 9UA 36 0 53.410469 -2.848631
L36 9UB 31 0 53.412163 -2.848063
L36 9UD 65 0 53.410779 -2.846817
L36 9UE 21 0 53.411837 -2.848477
L36 9UF 0 53.412128 -2.84922
L36 9UG 2 53.412225 -2.839338
L36 9UH 3 53.410182 -2.839659
L36 9UJ 12 53.41179 -2.839871
L36 9UL 7 53.410921 -2.839433
L36 9UP 1 53.411156 -2.840475
L36 9UQ 14 53.411373 -2.839005
L36 9UR 14 53.412213 -2.838525
L36 9US 2 53.41067 -2.842797