all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 1NB 0 53.561774 -3.078651
L37 1ND 0 53.562997 -3.077656
L37 1NE 0 53.562887 -3.078891
L37 1NF 0 53.561385 -3.076996
L37 1NG 0 53.563707 -3.079697
L37 1NH 0 53.55937 -3.075193
L37 1NJ 0 53.559729 -3.076184
L37 1NL 1 53.561004 -3.078375
L37 1NN 0 53.559955 -3.07705
L37 1NP 0 53.562469 -3.08039
L37 1NQ 0 53.563441 -3.080218
L37 1NR 0 53.561632 -3.079508
L37 1NS 0 53.564849 -3.081643
L37 1NT 0 53.562655 -3.080666
L37 1NU 9 53.562092 -3.081316
L37 1NW 0 53.559487 -3.077113
L37 1NX 0 53.562778 -3.081983
L37 1NY 0 53.562458 -3.082564
L37 1NZ 0 53.564234 -3.082758
L37 1PA 0 53.562347 -3.082969