all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 1PB 0 53.562637 -3.083655
L37 1PD 0 53.559615 -3.08391
L37 1PE 0 53.561211 -3.082275
L37 1PF 0 53.56082 -3.082824
L37 1PG 0 53.562072 -3.07656
L37 1PH 2 53.560379 -3.092792
L37 1PJ 0 53.556296 -3.086045
L37 1PL 0 53.559632 -3.081978
L37 1PN 0 53.557397 -3.078615
L37 1PP 0 53.558416 -3.081283
L37 1PQ 1 53.562267 -3.075916
L37 1PR 1 53.558418 -3.082083
L37 1PS 0 53.557558 -3.085501
L37 1PT 0 53.56411 -3.077865
L37 1PU 0 53.56424 -3.076144
L37 1PW 0 53.559434 -3.08303
L37 1PX 0 53.556973 -3.079782
L37 1PY 0 53.559047 -3.077057
L37 1PZ 0 53.559417 -3.078923
L37 1QA 0 53.566099 -3.082307