all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 7EB 0 53.565164 -3.059272
L37 7ED 0 53.564888 -3.054028
L37 7EE 1 53.564441 -3.055814
L37 7EF 1 53.564176 -3.055339
L37 7EG 1 53.565413 -3.055672
L37 7EH 1 53.567283 -3.05667
L37 7EJ 1 53.567591 -3.056421
L37 7EL 0 53.567739 -3.052846
L37 7EN 0 53.567086 -3.053524
L37 7EP 0 53.569044 -3.052727
L37 7EQ 7 53.564806 -3.055986
L37 7ER 0 53.568393 -3.051111
L37 7ES 0 53.570201 -3.052983
L37 7ET 0 53.570063 -3.05227
L37 7EU 0 53.570105 -3.051667
L37 7EW 0 53.566641 -3.053075
L37 7EX 0 53.570626 -3.051664
L37 7EY 0 53.571399 -3.051623
L37 7EZ 0 53.571032 -3.051478
L37 7HA 0 53.568933 -3.049992