all postcodes in L37 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L37 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L37 7HD 0 53.570099 -3.050247
L37 7HE 0 53.569578 -3.054372
L37 7HF 0 53.569973 -3.057387
L37 7HG 0 53.570565 -3.055589
L37 7HH 0 53.570466 -3.056568
L37 7HJ 0 53.569667 -3.056458
L37 7HL 0 53.568974 -3.055504
L37 7HN 0 53.567792 -3.047849
L37 7HP 0 53.568439 -3.054041
L37 7HQ 0 53.565939 -3.057195
L37 7HR 0 53.565884 -3.064472
L37 7HS 0 53.565001 -3.063619
L37 7HW 0 53.569072 -3.056624
L37 7HX 0 53.566703 -3.070351
L37 7HY 0 53.568809 -3.059909
L37 7HZ 0 53.569638 -3.059719
L37 7JD 0 53.571824 -3.059532
L37 7JL 0 53.567932 -3.065595
L37 7JZ 1 53.556497 -3.063494
L37 7WQ 0 53.556497 -3.063494