all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 1LA 0 53.574712 -2.892905
L39 1LB 0 53.574816 -2.892257
L39 1LD 0 53.574336 -2.891537
L39 1LE 1 53.5771 -2.893348
L39 1LF 0 53.577113 -2.893982
L39 1LG 1 53.577792 -2.890915
L39 1LH 0 53.575517 -2.89348
L39 1LJ 0 53.576937 -2.892332
L39 1LL 0 53.577599 -2.892724
L39 1LN 1 53.570208 -2.889442
L39 1LP 0 53.578605 -2.892881
L39 1LQ 0 53.577599 -2.891515
L39 1LR 1 53.579625 -2.892298
L39 1LS 0 53.570461 -2.888013
L39 1LT 0 53.579593 -2.894065
L39 1LU 0 53.57755 -2.895607
L39 1LW 0 53.573152 -2.892419
L39 1LX 2 53.570606 -2.889118
L39 1LZ 1 53.576741 -2.894518
L39 1NA 0 53.570595 -2.886928