all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 5BA 6 0 53.555894 -2.903196
L39 5BB 23 0 53.556799 -2.904755
L39 5BD 18 0 53.552848 -2.901848
L39 5BE 8 0 53.546822 -2.902278
L39 5BG 6 0 53.549227 -2.903959
L39 5BH 13 0 53.549881 -2.90186
L39 5BJ 15 0 53.549367 -2.902091
L39 5BL 28 0 53.548334 -2.902024
L39 5BN 38 0 53.547719 -2.901346
L39 5BP 21 0 53.548393 -2.892939
L39 5BQ 4 0 53.546782 -2.905175
L39 5BR 2 0 53.547139 -2.893348
L39 5BS 3 0 53.543381 -2.882798
L39 5BT 19 1 53.554385 -2.897035
L39 5BU 29 1 53.55211 -2.89113
L39 5BW 31 0 53.547877 -2.901803
L39 5BY 13 0 53.5505 -2.887685
L39 5BZ 13 1 53.553289 -2.894597
L39 5DA 38 1 53.551643 -2.89103
L39 5DB 12 0 53.552616 -2.893239