all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 6TH 28 3 53.443877 -2.959308
L4 6TJ 19 0 53.44543 -2.965442
L4 6TL 18 0 53.445217 -2.962802
L4 6TN 28 3 53.44463 -2.960877
L4 6TP 36 0 53.445794 -2.96259
L4 6TQ 16 1 53.444661 -2.960199
L4 6TR 25 0 53.445771 -2.962062
L4 6TS 18 0 53.44564 -2.961638
L4 6TT 14 2 53.445101 -2.960526
L4 6TU 2 0 53.444368 -2.959726
L4 6TW 22 6 53.443445 -2.959631
L4 6TX 48 0 53.444503 -2.958902
L4 6TY 42 0 53.443193 -2.956268
L4 6TZ 32 0 53.44448 -2.959443
L4 6UA 20 0 53.443777 -2.958584
L4 6UB 7 0 53.443204 -2.960499
L4 6UD 17 3 53.443697 -2.95819
L4 6UF 15 2 53.44346 -2.957794
L4 6UG 18 4 53.442958 -2.957617
L4 6UH 13 4 53.440789 -2.952345