all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 6UL 21 0 53.443246 -2.957594
L4 6UP 23 0 53.442707 -2.956422
L4 6UQ 15 0 53.441271 -2.953861
L4 6UR 27 0 53.442236 -2.955674
L4 6US 32 0 53.441814 -2.95446
L4 6UT 16 0 53.441686 -2.953659
L4 6UU 11 0 53.441252 -2.952882
L4 6UY 33 12 53.441298 -2.952491
L4 6XA 28 0 53.445045 -2.965208
L4 6XD 32 4 53.443128 -2.955498
L4 6XP 44 0 53.446684 -2.965967
L4 6XW 45 0 53.444898 -2.964466
L4 6BA 42 0 53.447476 -2.963636
L4 6XR 0 53.448589 -2.962638
L4 6XG 1 53.447962 -2.963482
L4 6RW 1 53.447132 -2.966083
L4 6XH 0 53.448069 -2.96249
L4 6AA 10 0 53.446326 -2.965794