all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 8SY 31 1 53.438498 -2.943035
L4 8TA 10 0 53.44094 -2.95024
L4 8TB 37 0 53.439337 -2.945041
L4 8TD 21 0 53.439727 -2.946751
L4 8TE 52 0 53.440272 -2.948344
L4 8TF 39 0 53.439799 -2.944509
L4 8TH 20 0 53.437537 -2.937339
L4 8TJ 16 0 53.439916 -2.937692
L4 8TL 18 0 53.436717 -2.936448
L4 8TN 33 0 53.437014 -2.935235
L4 8TP 8 0 53.436453 -2.935719
L4 8TQ 17 0 53.435328 -2.937004
L4 8TR 7 0 53.436267 -2.935263
L4 8TS 17 1 53.43626 -2.936015
L4 8TT 27 3 53.435795 -2.935885
L4 8TU 16 0 53.435522 -2.936271
L4 8TW 17 0 53.436876 -2.935638
L4 8TX 12 0 53.434911 -2.936257
L4 8TY 38 1 53.438111 -2.935123
L4 8UA 32 1 53.437567 -2.935698