all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 8UB 31 0 53.439765 -2.93513
L4 8UD 25 1 53.43941 -2.934535
L4 8UE 20 0 53.441022 -2.936437
L4 8UF 11 0 53.441539 -2.933633
L4 8UG 36 0 53.440616 -2.936654
L4 8UH 16 0 53.440934 -2.933981
L4 8UJ 14 0 53.438896 -2.934779
L4 8UL 8 0 53.438517 -2.933853
L4 8UN 25 0 53.440294 -2.935352
L4 8UP 20 0 53.438723 -2.935016
L4 8UQ 25 0 53.440496 -2.935974
L4 8UR 36 0 53.438293 -2.934826
L4 8US 26 0 53.437513 -2.943736
L4 8UU 1 1 53.439117 -2.939767
L4 8UW 21 0 53.440024 -2.935391
L4 8UX 6 0 53.43815 -2.942772
L4 8UY 62 0 53.441067 -2.951252