all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 0SD 0 53.431127 -2.966487
L4 0SE 0 53.432056 -2.96407
L4 0SF 0 53.431998 -2.964626
L4 0SH 0 53.431364 -2.965198
L4 0SJ 0 53.430727 -2.96708
L4 0SL 0 53.43055 -2.965812
L4 0SR 0 53.431328 -2.964986
L4 0SS 0 53.428728 -2.955461
L4 0ST 0 53.42894 -2.955933
L4 0SU 0 53.429088 -2.956523
L4 0SW 0 53.430724 -2.964326
L4 0SX 0 53.429295 -2.95871
L4 0SY 4 53.42852 -2.955622
L4 0SZ 0 53.428363 -2.956055
L4 0TA 0 53.429281 -2.957039
L4 0TB 0 53.42937 -2.957191
L4 0TD 2 53.432767 -2.967292
L4 0TE 0 53.432995 -2.964663
L4 0TF 1 53.432834 -2.962387
L4 0TH 1 53.431267 -2.961584