all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 0TJ 4 53.429909 -2.957279
L4 0TL 1 53.429218 -2.955848
L4 0TN 1 53.42858 -2.954871
L4 0TP 0 53.429696 -2.958057
L4 0TQ 0 53.430845 -2.958173
L4 0TR 0 53.429712 -2.958298
L4 0TS 0 53.430047 -2.959073
L4 0TT 0 53.430232 -2.959559
L4 0TY 0 53.427811 -2.956554
L4 0TZ 0 53.427615 -2.956294
L4 0UA 0 53.428465 -2.957969
L4 0UB 0 53.428199 -2.957315
L4 0UD 0 53.427845 -2.956841
L4 0UE 5 53.426964 -2.95789
L4 0UF 2 53.429229 -2.960198
L4 0UH 2 53.428269 -2.958641
L4 0UQ 8 53.427147 -2.957578
L4 0RT 0 53.432809 -2.964418
L4 1QB 0 53.43393 -2.981212
L4 1QD 1 53.435673 -2.982366