all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 9SR 3 3 53.42414 -2.999828
L5 9SY 8 4 53.425834 -2.999099
L5 9TD 3 1 53.42737 -2.998232
L5 9TE 1 0 53.422938 -2.995195
L5 9TF 3 2 53.429219 -2.997584
L5 9TG 3 2 53.424739 -2.998983
L5 9TN 2 2 53.424007 -2.996152
L5 9TR 4 3 53.423254 -2.994976
L5 9TY 1 1 53.425534 -2.998581
L5 9TZ 2 2 53.424629 -2.996031
L5 9UB 6 3 53.425686 -2.994401
L5 9UF 1 0 53.426784 -2.997497
L5 9UZ 6 2 53.422515 -2.996177
L5 9XE 3 2 53.430664 -2.989249
L5 9XJ 1 1 53.4305 -2.990615
L5 9XN 7 5 53.430974 -2.995157
L5 9XR 4 4 53.426932 -2.993798
L5 9XS 26 0 53.428834 -2.987747
L5 9XT 2 1 53.423623 -2.995842
L5 9XY 3 3 53.426424 -2.994253