all postcodes in L5 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L5 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L5 9YJ 10 10 53.425867 -2.989814
L5 9YN 19 15 53.428261 -2.997034
L5 9ZE 1 1 53.426849 -2.995106
L5 9ZH 1 1 53.426056 -2.997465
L5 9ZQ 1 1 53.425686 -2.994401
L5 9ZS 1 1 53.428377 -2.989723
L5 9UU 1 1 53.423084 -2.994867
L5 9UD 2 2 53.424084 -2.994528
L5 9RJ 13 53.426963 -2.992007
L5 9PR 10 53.429843 -2.993911
L5 9XB 0 53.428829 -2.988304
L5 9AA 1 1 53.429836 -2.992602