all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 6RX 20 0 53.383303 -2.97486
L8 6SE 31 18 53.385905 -2.966425
L8 6SH 21 4 53.38888 -2.969921
L8 6SJ 2 2 53.385881 -2.967176
L8 6SL 13 0 53.390173 -2.972341
L8 6SN 14 0 53.389325 -2.972743
L8 6SR 14 1 53.389248 -2.973342
L8 6SS 17 0 53.389913 -2.9722
L8 6SX 18 0 53.38926 -2.971824
L8 6SY 38 0 53.38896 -2.971201
L8 6TA 27 0 53.388555 -2.971161
L8 6TG 18 4 53.390037 -2.975796
L8 6TN 29 0 53.387677 -2.978614
L8 6TP 5 0 53.389673 -2.974149
L8 6TQ 10 0 53.389918 -2.974831
L8 6TR 20 0 53.389043 -2.975172
L8 6TS 16 1 53.38904 -2.976751
L8 6TT 24 0 53.388769 -2.97688
L8 6TW 25 0 53.38786 -2.979235
L8 6TX 7 0 53.388012 -2.978321