all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L8 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 6UA 25 0 53.386217 -2.974476
L8 6UD 61 3 53.388087 -2.980022
L8 6UG 22 0 53.388834 -2.975528
L8 6UH 3 0 53.389317 -2.974727
L8 6UJ 51 0 53.388117 -2.973106
L8 6UL 0 53.387831 -2.972904
L8 6UR 0 53.385228 -2.970259
L8 6UT 0 53.388867 -2.97813
L8 6UW 0 53.388321 -2.971261
L8 6UY 0 53.387886 -2.970545
L8 6UZ 0 53.387022 -2.972961
L8 6XA 0 53.388755 -2.974203
L8 6XB 0 53.389326 -2.97369
L8 6XD 0 53.38775 -2.971789
L8 6XE 0 53.388223 -2.97774
L8 6XF 0 53.38734 -2.97802
L8 6XG 0 53.386834 -2.977257
L8 6XH 0 53.38333 -2.972561
L8 6XN 0 53.389591 -2.970929
L8 6XP 1 53.383193 -2.976181