all postcodes in L8 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L8 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L8 6XR 0 53.39079 -2.971633
L8 6XW 0 53.384089 -2.97321
L8 6PB 0 53.386109 -2.972429
L8 6PA 0 53.385998 -2.972877
L8 6RY 99 0 53.382766 -2.974548
L8 6UN 0 53.388311 -2.978914
L8 6AL 5 0 53.386694 -2.975705
L8 6AJ 4 0 53.386215 -2.977077
L8 6AN 20 0 53.387152 -2.974497
L8 6AH 4 0 53.386158 -2.977467
L8 6AB 5 0 53.386182 -2.974565
L8 6AD 3 0 53.386081 -2.973646
L8 6AF 6 0 53.388043 -2.974443
L8 6AE 16 0 53.387778 -2.973775
L8 6QD 0 53.386516 -2.97549
L8 6AG 60 0 53.387456 -2.97258
L8 6SA 77 0 53.384119 -2.976187
L8 6SD 0 53.384882 -2.976235
L8 6SF 0 53.384994 -2.975651
L8 6AA 5 0 53.387041 -2.973788