all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 8BE 44 0 53.463438 -2.971605
L9 8BG 15 0 53.4642 -2.970824
L9 8BH 33 0 53.46365 -2.968717
L9 8BJ 10 0 53.464373 -2.968312
L9 8BL 17 5 53.464812 -2.968413
L9 8BN 30 1 53.46529 -2.968318
L9 8BP 12 0 53.4647 -2.968967
L9 8BQ 33 0 53.464358 -2.970119
L9 8BR 9 0 53.465045 -2.969653
L9 8BS 30 0 53.463653 -2.968341
L9 8BT 28 0 53.463567 -2.967978
L9 8BU 17 11 53.462025 -2.962942
L9 8BX 45 8 53.463549 -2.965718
L9 8BY 26 4 53.462858 -2.963307
L9 8BZ 22 0 53.463858 -2.965258
L9 8DA 48 0 53.467171 -2.96348
L9 8DB 37 0 53.465392 -2.965397
L9 8DD 28 0 53.46735 -2.96255
L9 8DE 24 0 53.463515 -2.967675
L9 8DF 20 0 53.463374 -2.967386