all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 8EG 43 0 53.463686 -2.962045
L9 8EH 15 0 53.462904 -2.972887
L9 8EP 53 0 53.466865 -2.966893
L9 8EQ 9 0 53.462775 -2.973518
L9 8ER 23 0 53.466868 -2.967676
L9 8ES 8 0 53.466563 -2.968663
L9 8ET 5 0 53.466191 -2.969182
L9 8EU 12 0 53.465489 -2.968097
L9 8EW 13 0 53.46366 -2.966428
L9 8EX 34 0 53.465511 -2.966561
L9 8EY 7 0 53.467114 -2.96613
L9 8EZ 10 1 53.465917 -2.967398
L9 8HA 50 0 53.466879 -2.965206
L9 8HF 33 0 53.468951 -2.963475
L9 8HG 24 0 53.468642 -2.963905
L9 8HH 14 0 53.469137 -2.964926
L9 8HJ 18 0 53.469502 -2.961814
L9 8HP 7 0 53.468482 -2.962576
L9 8HQ 9 0 53.469299 -2.963799
L9 8HR 18 0 53.468208 -2.960852