all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 3SF 1 1 54.045706 -2.795746
LA1 3SL 1 1 54.048151 -2.803827
LA1 3SR 51 0 54.04654 -2.772502
LA1 3SS 2 0 54.047482 -2.772989
LA1 3ST 16 0 54.046528 -2.773067
LA1 3SU 3 3 54.068636 -2.779128
LA1 3UA 1 1 54.064411 -2.787242
LA1 3XD 1 1 54.048151 -2.803827
LA1 3RP 0 54.045309 -2.775258
LA1 3RQ 1 54.068789 -2.77756
LA1 3RW 14 0 54.0457 -2.77467
LA1 3QX 9 0 54.047409 -2.789547
LA1 3SW 9 8 54.070665 -2.776419
LA1 3RS 0 54.040189 -2.788601
LA1 3RR 0 54.042451 -2.789056
LA1 3RT 0 54.039844 -2.787816
LA1 3RU 0 54.039713 -2.787473
LA1 3SA 26 0 54.049914 -2.769219
LA1 3FQ 40 0 54.050779 -2.769064
LA1 3FR 2 0 54.052386 -2.767917