all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 3QG 12 0 54.050099 -2.793295
LA1 3QH 24 0 54.050025 -2.792178
LA1 3QJ 7 0 54.048971 -2.794006
LA1 3QL 21 0 54.049511 -2.793925
LA1 3QN 9 0 54.050414 -2.79327
LA1 3QP 32 0 54.047906 -2.791939
LA1 3QQ 19 0 54.050002 -2.793003
LA1 3QR 15 0 54.047943 -2.793162
LA1 3QS 5 0 54.048151 -2.792891
LA1 3QW 5 0 54.050647 -2.793259
LA1 3QY 11 9 54.06336 -2.790091
LA1 3QZ 1 1 54.0527 -2.772066
LA1 3RA 1 1 54.070925 -2.777997
LA1 3RF 5 0 54.044562 -2.786592
LA1 3RG 38 0 54.053296 -2.785443
LA1 3RH 1 1 54.043191 -2.795408
LA1 3RJ 34 0 54.046548 -2.77409
LA1 3RL 9 0 54.048065 -2.774363
LA1 3RN 13 0 54.046122 -2.774709
LA1 3SE 1 1 54.045706 -2.795746