all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 3PG 18 0 54.067955 -2.781395
LA1 3PH 42 0 54.051121 -2.792291
LA1 3PJ 14 0 54.050553 -2.792555
LA1 3PL 22 0 54.050432 -2.791865
LA1 3PN 39 0 54.050967 -2.791203
LA1 3PP 47 2 54.050656 -2.790556
LA1 3PQ 23 15 54.062705 -2.789941
LA1 3PR 2 0 54.050348 -2.791172
LA1 3PS 42 3 54.049575 -2.790917
LA1 3PT 2 0 54.049147 -2.790615
LA1 3PU 1 1 54.048975 -2.790779
LA1 3PW 12 0 54.05139 -2.790982
LA1 3PX 26 3 54.048774 -2.791207
LA1 3PY 7 4 54.048401 -2.791796
LA1 3PZ 25 1 54.04904 -2.791671
LA1 3QA 41 0 54.04919 -2.792162
LA1 3QB 28 0 54.049139 -2.792956
LA1 3QD 29 1 54.049116 -2.793765
LA1 3QE 27 0 54.048619 -2.7929
LA1 3QF 20 1 54.048429 -2.793018