all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 4BH 8 0 54.036904 -2.788153
LA1 4BJ 14 0 54.037349 -2.780348
LA1 4BN 9 1 54.039215 -2.790507
LA1 4BP 30 0 54.03962 -2.791782
LA1 4BQ 54 0 54.037594 -2.786964
LA1 4BS 9 1 54.040021 -2.790965
LA1 4BT 40 0 54.039609 -2.793431
LA1 4BU 34 0 54.039496 -2.792955
LA1 4BW 38 0 54.039054 -2.791756
LA1 4BX 25 0 54.037084 -2.793444
LA1 4BY 38 0 54.038514 -2.791807
LA1 4BZ 38 1 54.038272 -2.791741
LA1 4DA 40 0 54.038028 -2.791965
LA1 4DB 42 0 54.037822 -2.7919
LA1 4DD 7 0 54.037459 -2.793771
LA1 4DE 21 0 54.037455 -2.794321
LA1 4DF 31 0 54.037503 -2.792551
LA1 4DG 0 54.037487 -2.790917
LA1 4DH 1 54.036849 -2.792263
LA1 4DJ 0 54.036975 -2.790754