all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 4PU 1 1 54.02751 -2.795002
LA1 4PW 1 1 54.028856 -2.799378
LA1 4PX 32 1 54.028603 -2.7969
LA1 4PY 21 0 54.02811 -2.798005
LA1 4PZ 16 0 54.029662 -2.797195
LA1 4QA 27 0 54.027425 -2.797
LA1 4QB 6 0 54.026443 -2.797648
LA1 4QD 7 0 54.026746 -2.797765
LA1 4QE 24 0 54.025347 -2.791862
LA1 4QF 13 0 54.030312 -2.788475
LA1 4QG 26 0 54.030022 -2.787569
LA1 4QH 18 0 54.026608 -2.796801
LA1 4QJ 21 1 54.027499 -2.793918
LA1 4QL 38 0 54.026655 -2.792405
LA1 4QN 12 0 54.027289 -2.79167
LA1 4QP 12 0 54.02652 -2.789762
LA1 4QR 14 0 54.02676 -2.790179
LA1 4QS 28 0 54.025253 -2.789723
LA1 4QT 9 0 54.024024 -2.789333
LA1 4QU 10 0 54.024003 -2.788463