all postcodes in LA11 / GRANGE-OVER-SANDS

find any address or company within the LA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA11 6RQ 0 54.236212 -2.845512
LA11 6RR 0 54.244044 -2.866405
LA11 6RS 2 54.249743 -2.873784
LA11 6RT 10 54.24522 -2.869253
LA11 6RW 0 54.246486 -2.860532
LA11 6RX 0 54.249745 -2.878511
LA11 6RY 0 54.239098 -2.885343
LA11 6RZ 0 54.246058 -2.887379
LA11 6SA 0 54.262892 -2.881201
LA11 6SB 0 54.283021 -2.876654
LA11 6SD 1 54.266658 -2.867555
LA11 6SE 0 54.251991 -2.85988
LA11 6SG 0 54.250324 -2.849086
LA11 6SH 0 54.255242 -2.852687
LA11 6SJ 0 54.254258 -2.839251
LA11 6SL 0 54.253332 -2.831512
LA11 6SN 0 54.244741 -2.850567
LA11 6SP 0 54.202603 -2.89468
LA11 6SQ 0 54.249817 -2.845822
LA11 6ST 0 54.200735 -2.948447