all postcodes in LA11 / GRANGE-OVER-SANDS

find any address or company within the LA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA11 6PA 0 54.215692 -2.893
LA11 6PB 0 54.216691 -2.892792
LA11 6PD 0 54.215688 -2.89228
LA11 6PH 2 54.199165 -2.946985
LA11 6PJ 0 54.198973 -2.948559
LA11 6PL 1 54.19937 -2.949443
LA11 6PN 5 54.199924 -2.953211
LA11 6PP 0 54.200584 -2.950528
LA11 6PQ 9 54.211357 -2.897184
LA11 6PR 2 54.200776 -2.948999
LA11 6PS 0 54.20211 -2.948463
LA11 6PT 0 54.201362 -2.949902
LA11 6PU 1 54.201546 -2.951608
LA11 6PW 0 54.19983 -2.950373
LA11 6PX 1 54.201637 -2.952591
LA11 6PY 0 54.202717 -2.953597
LA11 6QA 2 54.201415 -2.954472
LA11 6QB 9 54.200749 -2.954671
LA11 6QD 6 54.200967 -2.953266
LA11 6QF 1 54.201489 -2.955363