all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 0SG 9 0 54.178335 -3.103815
LA12 0SH 3 0 54.16617 -3.12273
LA12 0SJ 7 0 54.163835 -3.127277
LA12 0SL 3 0 54.163738 -3.125191
LA12 0SN 3 0 54.164455 -3.122545
LA12 0SP 19 1 54.16286 -3.120127
LA12 0SQ 1 0 54.172026 -3.123195
LA12 0SR 7 0 54.163335 -3.119268
LA12 0SS 1 0 54.162821 -3.119499
LA12 0ST 34 0 54.162095 -3.117273
LA12 0SU 3 0 54.160732 -3.116026
LA12 0SW 10 0 54.163785 -3.122129
LA12 0SX 27 0 54.161561 -3.121593
LA12 0SY 8 0 54.160975 -3.121745
LA12 0SZ 12 1 54.160383 -3.121639
LA12 0TA 21 2 54.159037 -3.121403
LA12 0TB 56 0 54.159419 -3.122821
LA12 0TD 8 0 54.159624 -3.122016
LA12 0TF 8 0 54.152419 -3.129416
LA12 0TG 2 0 54.165704 -3.151098