all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 0QF 10 1 54.12747 -3.138697
LA12 0QG 6 0 54.127513 -3.136066
LA12 0QH 6 3 54.133077 -3.132211
LA12 0QJ 3 0 54.123075 -3.127223
LA12 0QL 4 0 54.128023 -3.144928
LA12 0QN 11 0 54.125677 -3.153341
LA12 0QP 19 0 54.115975 -3.157493
LA12 0QQ 3 0 54.127537 -3.137291
LA12 0QR 8 0 54.115361 -3.158727
LA12 0QS 10 1 54.114919 -3.159804
LA12 0QT 4 0 54.114739 -3.160824
LA12 0QU 10 0 54.114233 -3.160072
LA12 0QW 3 0 54.121307 -3.153586
LA12 0QX 4 0 54.114845 -3.157247
LA12 0QY 2 0 54.114058 -3.156793
LA12 0QZ 7 1 54.113726 -3.157656
LA12 0RA 1 0 54.11007 -3.160295
LA12 0RB 3 0 54.107311 -3.152831
LA12 0RD 3 0 54.110316 -3.150604
LA12 0RE 21 2 54.105547 -3.131247