all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 7PQ 2 0 54.230224 -3.107455
LA12 7PR 10 0 54.229304 -3.115545
LA12 7PS 4 0 54.222764 -3.113344
LA12 7PU 7 0 54.208093 -3.096007
LA12 7PW 2 0 54.244748 -3.109486
LA12 7PX 5 0 54.211625 -3.084079
LA12 7PY 6 0 54.216578 -3.089009
LA12 7PZ 9 0 54.220721 -3.085069
LA12 7SJ 2 0 54.215942 -3.066694
LA12 7QA 2 0 54.222905 -3.080095
LA12 7QB 4 0 54.216102 -3.082939
LA12 7QD 15 0 54.212794 -3.080015
LA12 7QE 1 0 54.21035 -3.074922
LA12 7QF 2 0 54.208027 -3.071381
LA12 7QG 19 2 54.208359 -3.075484
LA12 7QQ 7 1 54.205764 -3.072135
LA12 7QH 1 0 54.208186 -3.068641
LA12 7QJ 2 0 54.20483 -3.064001
LA12 7QL 4 0 54.204595 -3.059043
LA12 7QN 6 0 54.198724 -3.055137