all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 7QR 2 0 54.196861 -3.064624
LA12 7QT 1 0 54.207152 -3.055505
LA12 7QU 13 0 54.235261 -3.061086
LA12 7QW 21 0 54.199992 -3.0724
LA12 7QX 2 0 54.227083 -3.052792
LA12 7QY 9 0 54.232798 -3.052999
LA12 7QZ 11 3 54.233794 -3.054144
LA12 7RA 6 0 54.233584 -3.053556
LA12 7RB 9 2 54.233993 -3.054042
LA12 7RD 12 2 54.2346 -3.054487
LA12 7RF 24 0 54.233659 -3.055184
LA12 7RG 20 0 54.234028 -3.055194
LA12 7RH 16 0 54.236416 -3.060563
LA12 7RJ 26 2 54.237768 -3.060199
LA12 7RL 17 0 54.238218 -3.060149
LA12 7RR 6 0 54.254583 -3.066402
LA12 7RN 9 0 54.239479 -3.06078
LA12 7RP 3 0 54.245468 -3.065507
LA12 7RQ 24 2 54.235484 -3.059297
LA12 7RS 16 0 54.254444 -3.06692