all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 2AP 2 0 54.056142 -2.799791
LA1 2AQ 8 0 54.052969 -2.800972
LA1 2AR 11 3 54.05537 -2.798054
LA1 2AS 16 0 54.055879 -2.798553
LA1 2AW 3 3 54.055212 -2.799071
LA1 2AX 56 0 54.056203 -2.797245
LA1 2AY 24 1 54.058101 -2.796884
LA1 2AZ 44 0 54.056117 -2.796663
LA1 2BA 9 0 54.056513 -2.796457
LA1 2BB 9 0 54.056793 -2.796309
LA1 2BD 9 0 54.057081 -2.796239
LA1 2BE 9 0 54.057423 -2.796199
LA1 2BG 9 0 54.057764 -2.796221
LA1 2BH 47 0 54.05887 -2.796166
LA1 2BJ 76 0 54.058746 -2.798608
LA1 2BL 1 1 54.057639 -2.7988
LA1 2BN 12 0 54.058617 -2.800408
LA1 2BP 43 0 54.059176 -2.798754
LA1 2BQ 44 0 54.058141 -2.796274
LA1 2BS 4 0 54.059259 -2.797212