all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1NX 13 2 54.050124 -2.797648
LA1 1NY 8 5 54.050569 -2.798268
LA1 1NZ 18 9 54.050399 -2.799593
LA1 1PA 2 1 54.050176 -2.799447
LA1 1PB 8 4 54.050092 -2.799755
LA1 1PD 4 2 54.049874 -2.800133
LA1 1PJ 1 1 54.047292 -2.797747
LA1 1PL 21 14 54.047891 -2.798277
LA1 1PN 1 1 54.047583 -2.797202
LA1 1PP 8 8 54.048007 -2.797104
LA1 1PQ 4 0 54.048679 -2.797616
LA1 1PR 4 3 54.048023 -2.798708
LA1 1PT 2 2 54.047175 -2.796625
LA1 1PU 1 0 54.047572 -2.796194
LA1 1PW 1 0 54.048435 -2.797524
LA1 1PX 55 2 54.048414 -2.796623
LA1 1PZ 8 0 54.048835 -2.79707
LA1 1QB 1 1 54.049308 -2.797403
LA1 1QD 114 12 54.048983 -2.796297
LA1 1QE 1 1 54.049142 -2.796713