all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1QF 2 0 54.048649 -2.796638
LA1 1QH 2 1 54.049007 -2.7955
LA1 1QN 16 1 54.050747 -2.794514
LA1 1QR 1 1 54.048151 -2.803827
LA1 1QS 1 1 54.051138 -2.795178
LA1 1QU 32 0 54.051435 -2.793824
LA1 1QW 1 1 54.050132 -2.796396
LA1 1QX 19 1 54.050931 -2.79383
LA1 1QY 6 0 54.050714 -2.794085
LA1 1QZ 14 0 54.051232 -2.793209
LA1 1RB 42 4 54.0534 -2.805135
LA1 1RD 30 4 54.05412 -2.80652
LA1 1RE 19 9 54.047051 -2.801652
LA1 1RF 20 0 54.045111 -2.801447
LA1 1RG 6 0 54.048907 -2.79704
LA1 1RH 7 4 54.046402 -2.800688
LA1 1RJ 2 1 54.045604 -2.800352
LA1 1RL 6 0 54.048967 -2.797546
LA1 1RN 4 1 54.046448 -2.801717
LA1 1RP 1 1 54.046219 -2.800994