all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1ST 1 0 54.042957 -2.803543
LA1 1SU 1 1 54.043704 -2.800732
LA1 1SW 29 3 54.043177 -2.805849
LA1 1SX 3 0 54.043447 -2.802896
LA1 1SY 33 0 54.043938 -2.803379
LA1 1SZ 21 0 54.044651 -2.802934
LA1 1TD 5 0 54.050361 -2.804094
LA1 1TE 18 2 54.047466 -2.803997
LA1 1TG 5 1 54.047317 -2.803413
LA1 1TH 2 2 54.048659 -2.804596
LA1 1TJ 13 3 54.048139 -2.805506
LA1 1TL 4 0 54.04987 -2.807583
LA1 1TN 30 0 54.047838 -2.804874
LA1 1TP 5 1 54.04473 -2.80457
LA1 1TQ 1 1 54.048271 -2.804577
LA1 1TR 16 0 54.044454 -2.805481
LA1 1TS 32 0 54.045818 -2.805889
LA1 1TT 41 0 54.046689 -2.805982
LA1 1TW 37 1 54.046255 -2.805012
LA1 1TX 5 2 54.048385 -2.806412