all postcodes in LA1 / LANCASTER

find any address or company within the LA1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA1 1RQ 6 6 54.046905 -2.800729
LA1 1RR 7 0 54.048943 -2.796831
LA1 1RS 23 2 54.045606 -2.801482
LA1 1RT 6 0 54.045374 -2.802353
LA1 1RU 8 0 54.045563 -2.80228
LA1 1RW 11 0 54.048792 -2.796615
LA1 1RX 32 4 54.044796 -2.801502
LA1 1RY 65 0 54.044439 -2.801082
LA1 1SA 18 0 54.054298 -2.807856
LA1 1SB 7 0 54.045373 -2.80246
LA1 1SD 9 0 54.045101 -2.802882
LA1 1SE 16 0 54.045322 -2.803436
LA1 1SF 1 1 54.045718 -2.803321
LA1 1SG 40 0 54.044733 -2.804127
LA1 1SH 22 0 54.042916 -2.804291
LA1 1SJ 10 0 54.042383 -2.80483
LA1 1SL 21 0 54.042695 -2.805096
LA1 1SQ 65 0 54.043771 -2.804231
LA1 1SR 6 0 54.043407 -2.803567
LA1 1SS 4 1 54.043066 -2.803499