all postcodes in LD7 / PRESTEIGNE

find any address or company within the LD7 postcode district

Postcode Area

LD / Llandrindod Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LD7 1NW 5 0 52.296006 -3.074696
LD7 1NY 11 0 52.304158 -3.142946
LD7 1PA 32 1 52.306853 -3.168874
LD7 1PB 7 0 52.296143 -3.180807
LD7 1PD 11 0 52.316424 -3.065699
LD7 1PE 9 0 52.323764 -3.079198
LD7 1PF 5 0 52.361598 -3.10231
LD7 1PG 10 0 52.342744 -3.076094
LD7 1PH 6 0 52.354399 -3.081677
LD7 1PL 10 0 52.358037 -3.101472
LD7 1PN 30 0 52.360978 -3.098932
LD7 1PP 2 0 52.361663 -3.100593
LD7 1PR 8 0 52.361861 -3.102493
LD7 1PS 4 0 52.362377 -3.105531
LD7 1PT 14 0 52.360289 -3.104833
LD7 1RA 16 0 52.360359 -3.138228
LD7 1PU 4 0 52.357876 -3.123348
LD7 1PW 8 0 52.361361 -3.09828
LD7 1PY 11 1 52.362692 -3.118433
LD7 1RB 13 0 52.368191 -3.109774